15 pounds

A CD Rom packed with photos of Paula.  Here is a description of the CD (borrowed from the ALSSCAN site)...

" Paula really got into this shoot. She obviously loves sex, so shooting with us was right up her alley! We would still say that Paula is one of
the horniest models we've ever shot. She was willing to give anything we could suggest a try. We got her doing some anal action and she even tried to anal fist!! Paula was really into finger insertions, so you'll see a lot of that on this CD, along with a few dildo insertions, a speculum scene, a couple of peeing scenes, a fisting scene, and lots more!
Also included on this CD are 5 Paula MPEG clips from this photoshoot totalling more than six full minutes of video! As if that was not enough, we also included a bonus Eva MPEG clip, bringing the total included on this CD to more than ten full minutes of video! You will not be dissapointed! This CD is a must for your ALS CD collection!! "

als-j081.jpg (21964 bytes)         als-j540.jpg (23508 bytes)         bonus408.jpg (25347 bytes)

Click here for more information


15 pounds

Another CD Rom this time featuring April.  Here is a description of the CD (borrowed from the ALSSCAN site)...

" April has been a huge hit!! She is so popular that we had to make her a special Feature Model CD of her own. Now our customers can own her whole shoot. This is a Super HOT CD - April has such a juicy pussy that glistens throughout the shoot. She did 5 peeing scenes (some of which will never be posted to our web site), a speculum scene, multiple finger insertion scenes with wide open spreading, a tong
spreading scene, bottles, dildos, and so much more. If you do not cum many times after viewing this CD then you must be dead. This
CD is Ultra High Quality. The file sizes are huge because we save each image from the original scan at the highest quality level possible.
You may have seen only one or two pictures from a scene but there are many more - Most are much hotter than what we can show you as samples. If you like the samples you will LOVE the CD where you can get the complete scenes presented from start to finish!! "

als-v103.jpg (33112 bytes)         als-v363.jpg (38237 bytes)

Click here for more information


10 pounds

A lesbian flick.  Features UK model Claudia Casali.  Good quality tape.

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Click here for more information


20 pounds

Two hardcore lesbian tapes featuring clips from various films, plus a softcore lesbian tape.  They are over an hour long each.  Medium quality tapes.

To order these items just send a check (payable to Umair Chaudhry) and your address along to

Umair Chaudhry
Room B3, Wheatley Campus
Wheatley, OXON
OX33 1HX

YOU CAN POST DATE YOUR CHEQUE one month from the day you post your first order. Then if you fail to receive your items or are not satisfied with them you can cancel your cheque long before it will be cashed.

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